Thursday 12 March 2015

Die Empty!

Business Coach, Success Avenue, Mr B

One of the most challenging teachings I have ever sat under was from Dr Myles Munroe, if you don't know him please do yourself a favour and do some research on his work. His messages predominantly speak to Discovering the Kingdom, Purpose and Leadership. I think he is said to have written over 70 books so you will definitely find something to read from his offerings. In one of his messages Dr Myles Munroe speaks of dying empty, I have put some of his thoughts below, after reading the following piece of writing ask yourself if today was indeed your last day on this earth can you safely say I have poured myself out, I have done that which I was born to do, I have fulfilled my purpose?

The wealthiest place on earth is not the oil fields of Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia or Kuwait, it’s not the diamond mines of South Africa, Zimbabwe or the Demoractic Republic of Congo. The wealthiest place on earth is the CEMETERY, the grave yard. You may wonder why is the graveyard so wealthy? Its because in the cemetery are books that were never written, paintings that no eye will ever see, the graveyard is filled with music that no one has ever heard heard, the cemetery is filled with poetry that no one will ever read, ideas that will never be reality, the cemetery is filled with great men that died as alcoholics and drug addicts, it’s filled with powerful women that died as prostitutes, it is filled with dreams that will never come to pass, it is filled with businesses that will never open. 

What a tragedy, every time I pass by the cemetery I always think, if I could mine this place like they do gold I’d be a rich man. For those of you who know me, I am passionate about the youth…the reason I took time to write this article is because every time I see the young I see a candidate to add to the wealth of the cemetery. I can’t imagine the cemetery would rob us of the magazine you want to publish, the music you want to produce or the books you want to write. I want to see the young die empty. I want you to go to the grave yard, young man, young woman finished. I want you to die like Jesus. Go to the grave yard as nothing but an empty carcass. 

You should not die old but die finished. I want you to die like the apostle Paul, Paul says,”I have the race and finished my course.” Then he says,” I have been poured out like a drink offering, every drop of me is finished. Therefore I am ready to die.” You should not die until there is nothing left for you to do. Die empty. That’s why God is interested in your life. It’s not you that he wants to save, it’s what you are carrying.

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