Thursday 5 March 2015

Problem Solving

I think it was Albert Einstein that said "Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness they were created" I have thought a lot about this statement and its so true. I can safely say that at any given time you are either going through a problem, heading for a problem or you have just come out of a problem. 

Typically when faced with a problem you have a few choices and these are:
1. Ignore it and hope it goes away
2. Stress about it
3. Solve your problem

We all know the first two never work because the problem just keeps coming at you, so the most progressive choice is number 3 - solving it. I have been on this earth for a few years now and I have yet to see a brand new problem, so find comfort in that whatever problem you are facing many have had to deal with the same problem before you and many have overcome it. 

If you clearly follow what Albert Einstein is saying in the quote above, what you need to do in order to solve your problems is to increase your awareness to a level higher than the problem. Awareness in this context speaks to your beliefs, knowledge and understanding. So to solve your problems you are going to have to seek out the knowledge and understanding required to solve it and you must also look at the beliefs that have led you to see your particular circumstance as a problem. The first point I must drive home here is that your mentality needs to change from that of a victim to that of a victor, you see the biggest part of your battle is in your mind, you have to enforce a winning mentality because that allows for you to take the path to creative thinking and problem solving. The victim mentality leads you to worry, stress and depression which just adds more problems. 

So here are some practical steps to solve your problem:
1. Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that you are bigger than the problem and you have what it takes to solve it (repeat this step regularly, admittedly the first time might be awkward but press on, there is value in doing this)
2. Clearly identify what led to the problem so you can learn to avoid that path in future
3. Use all the resources available to you to find out how others have solved a problem like yours
4. Carefully consider your options (thinking is critical here), pick the best possible solution and seek advice from your mentor/coach/trusted and experienced advisors regarding their thoughts on how you plan to solve your problem
5. Make an informed decision on the way forward
6. Deal decisively with the problem

If the problem is not solved go back to step 1 and repeat the process until your problem is solved because no one is going to solve it for you. 

I trust this is helpful. 

Mr B

Batandwa Ntlabati, Business Coach in Durban, Mr B

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